It A maddo world 6th December 2013

hi maddison things will never be the same without you here sweetheart,christmas coming up it will be so hard for your mum& family without you this year at christmas we will miss you so much too life is so cruel,i have got you a little christmas solar penguin& a little solar polar bear,its not the same as giving you nice christmas presents sweetheart,but i will not forget you ,your always in my heart and prayers,&thoughts, when i was at your fundrasing night that your granny janice had they played your penny arcade song & i sat & broke my heart thinking about that you were just along the road & that you should not be along there &here with your lovely mum&family icould not console myself for awhile if all the tears that your mum& family have shed for you could only bring you back you would be back in a flash as everyone is so heart broken without you, so i ask god to take extra special care of you angel & give you a big hug & kiss from me.& i will look out& help your mum& aunty karen grand parents teegan&family as long as i am able too.if you can give mum, aunty karen , popsie,granny shirley,teegan,uncle richie,aunty steph a big hug &kiss on christmas day&if you have time scott &i could do with one too merry christmas angel love you always from aunty molly & uncle scottxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx